Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Professional Sports

Professional sports, as opposed to amateur sports, are those in which athletes receive payment for their performance. While men have competed as professional athletes throughout much of modern history, only recently has it become common for women to have the opportunity to become professional athletes. Professional athleticism has come to the fore through a combination of developments. Mass media and increased leisure have brought larger audiences, so that sports organizations or teams can command large incomes. As a result, more sports people can afford to make athleticism their primary career, devoting the training time necessary to increase skills, physical condition, and experience to modern levels of achievement. This proficiency has also helped boost the popularity of sports.
Most sports played professionally also have amateur players far out numbering the professionals. Professional athleticism is seen by some as a contradiction of the central ethos of sport, competition performed for its own sake and pure enjoyment, rather than as a means of earning a living. Consequently, many organizations and commentators have resisted the growth of professional athleticism, saying that it has impeded the development of sport. For example, rugby union was for many years a part-time sport engaged in by amateurs, and English cricket has allegedly suffered in quality because of a "non-professional" approach.

Does every one should take sports as profession?


  1. Nice question but let me compare it to this question: (is there any necessity for any society to have 100 percent plastic surgeons?!!)
    In my opinion any body has his or her own talents which is unique for him or her and he has the own responsibility to implement the talents and knowledge he got to fulfill and get the better out come out of his or her life. In the respond of your question, all it is important is to fit the body by controlling the diets and keep the body on the curb by the daily light activities to burn the unsolicited fats ;)!!!

  2. Therefore my opinion in answering your question that sport is good for health but it doesn't mean that everybody only need to concern about it. Everybody have different interest, capacity and ability to do something so it is not necessary to take sports as a profession because some people like to take sport as profession but some people just take sports as hobby and even do that one in a month or even once in a year.

  3. In my opinion, not everyone can take sports as profession. Different people have different ability and different interest. Someone may take sports as their hobby, some may do sports because they wanted to exercise. Yes, sports is important it is not necessary for everyone to take it as profession.

  4. To be a professional in sports, I would say that stamina is one of the main things that an athlete needs. If one has no stamina, she/he would not be able to sustain in the team for a long time. Interest and hobby is also taken into account. However, people who has the love and talent for sports, they should go and follow their dreams. Life is never too old to fulfil dreams. A person an even be 50 and still fulfil his dreams.

  5. im my opinion not everyone like sports but for those who are really passionate and truly enjoy the sports that is his or her plays then go for it , don't worry about the challenges ahead because in life nothing is certain , the future is not written in stones or tablets so go for it !

  6. Its just crazy to think every one should take a stated profession, and for sports in particular, its practically impossible, because professional sports requires some talent. you just can't wake up one morning and say, 'i wanna be a footballer!'

  7. Answering these questions is just the basic step, which is necessary for the following steps of evaluation of other players. Such psychology tricks are more applicable, when playing live, but some of these tips are useful in online poker rooms too. Each Soccer Training Program is uniquely created with access to the latest technology and dedicated to providing a cutting edge soccer training program for the continuous development of youth in a competitive environment.

  8. First you cant wake up one day and say you want to become a proffesional in one of the sports, you may but it takes time and by the time your one its already too late. So there proffession at the age of 20 and others at the age of 30 in Football. So to be a real proffession in a sport you have to have a gift of talent and experienced combined together.

  9. I disagree with your statement eric and noor , who says one day you wake up and say to yourself you can't be a football player , i agree that yes it may take a while but nothing is too late if you have the determination to do it !

  10. My friend, sport is not a thing that you to force on to others. IT is hardly necessary at the present day to enter a plea for athletic exercise and manly outdoor sports. During the last twenty-five years there has been a wonderful growth of interest in and appreciation of healthy muscular amusements; and this growth can best be promoted by stimulating, within proper bounds, the spirit of rivalry on which all our games are based. One cannot become a professional in a day. To achieve professionalism one should have a strong determination towards it, one needs to give time after it.

  11. Sports as profession is not really sounds good because some sportsmen play for their hobby and own satisfaction. But many players in different games now play just for earn money and for famous. I don’t think this is necessary for any sportsmen. Playing for own country and play for own selves can give proper satisfaction to the sportsmen. In my opinion if sportsmen play their games as profession they cannot improve their level of sports but if the play it from their heart to raise up their countries name they can improve it.

  12. Well, I think it depends to an individuals whether not they want sports to be their professions. Not all individuals have the interest in sports.To have sports as professions is difficult but it can be as a hobby to some people.Being an athlete need a lots of effort in maintaining the strength and health. Therefore, any individuals who want sports to become their professions,they should prepare themselves mentally and physically.Therefore, sports can be a good and healthy hobby to anyone but not everyone would want to take sports as their profession.

  13. No, not at all, we do not have to go sports just to become a professional sportsman. I for instance, go sports to have fun, enjoy the game and keep myself physically healthy...As we all know playing sports can improve our strength, speed, skill, stamina, and suppleness.
